Thursday, April 21, 2005

Three Love Songs

The videogame scene is full of jaded people who have lost interest in their hobby. These people have made some of the funniest animations of newgrounds and they are also the troll who clutter up videogame newsgroups. Some, however, maintain a genuine interest even as they become experts in other things. The last crowd has bought us three moving tributes.

Hey Hey 16K is a memorial for the first generation of home computers. It covers so much: how the purported reasons for buying them inevitably gave way to games, the programming aspects, how these days you can't even fit a word processing document into the amount of RAM these systems came with.

After those computers came consoles. The system that started it, the NES, was considered a risky investment after Atari crashed so hard, and yet it defined a generation. Sega Fantasy VI takes us from the time of the NES to time of the PSP. It's ingenius; its creators took recordings of Final Fantasy VI's gameplay, painted out the characters and replaced them with game consoles. Some of the jokes here are very sophisticated, and it will also remind you of what a great game Final Fantasy VI still is.

Finally, obsoleet is the demo that won first place at Assembly 2004. It tells the story of a girl who becomes a programmer, starting from the time she codes her first starfield in BASIC. The 3D models and textures change to show the passage of ten years, and the design of the demo is a testament to how far graphics algorithms have come.


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